GSVPg / GSV6g firmware upgrade

1. Install the Firmware Upgrade Tool

The Firmware upgrade tool (Figure 1) is designed for use with SECOLINK products and is used to upgrade the current firmware version of the product to a newer one. The software is created to run in the MS Windows environment. It can be downloaded from here.

As soon as you complete the installation of the Firmware upgrade tool, the program will launch automatically and a program icon will appear on the desktop. You can also open the program by double-clicking the communicator firmware upgrade file (file extension *.dfu).

Figure 1. Firmware upgrade tool

2. Download the firmware

The firmware upgrade file must match the communicator model (see Figure 2).



Figure 2. Communicator model

3. Switch the communicator off

Attention! The communicator must be disconnected from the power supply (system bus, separate power supply, etc.) during the upgrade.

4. Enable the communicator's upgrade mode.

Short the shown socket with a jumper.



Figure 3. Jumper

5. Connect the USB cable

Insert the USB cable with MICRO-B connector (Figure 4) into the communicator (Figure 5).

Figure 4. USB cable with MICRO-B connector

Figure 5. USB socket on the GSV6g communicator

6. Open the upgrade software

To upgrade the communicator, double-click on the latest firmware upgrade file (file extension *.dfu).

Figure 6. Firmware file

7. Upgrade the communicator's firmware

Press Upgrade.

Figure 7. "Upgrade".

8. Upgrade completed

Press Yes.

Figure 8. "Yes".

9. Startup

You can now disconnect the GSVPg/GSV6g communicator from the computer. Before using the GSVPg/GSV6g communicator, make sure that you have removed the jumper.

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